Thursday, January 14, 2010

3rd Quarter Projects*

Urban Decay:  I plan to tackle this one first, because I feel that the snow and cold will make it look cooler.  For this project, I am planning to take photos of a Cemetery near my house.  The headstones provide an interesting opportunity of picture-taking.

Contrast and Texture:  I plan to take pictures of objects in contrast to the snow and ice outside.
Depth of Field:  I'm most likely going to take pictures of my friends in different situations, experimenting with blur and focus and such.

Portraits:   My portraits will definitely focus on my friends and capturing their personalities.

*All ideas/ assignments I wish to work on are subject to change.

Photo of Haiti

1. I was attracted to this photo because of the mother and her child.  It struck me immediately, because even though the mother is hurt, she is still protecting her baby.
2. The depth of field in this photo is striking.  Even though there is a man directly in front of the woman, you can still tell that she is the intended subject matter.  Also, the woman and baby draw your eye because of the fact that she is  wearing red which stands out against the gray-ish, dull, rubble filled background. 
3. As mentioned above, the woman and child are the intended focal point. The lady's red shirt immediately draw your eye, because it stands out from the background.
4. It shows a victim.  It also shows that the victim is a mother. Also, not only is the mother directly affected, but her child is affected indirectly.  It shows the devastation and what the survivors are willing to do to move on.
5. I am choosing the mother:
"We have to make it to the hospital.  Not only for me, but for my baby."